Swedish Massage
Swedish is a gentle and flowing massage. By using long gliding strokes, kneading and circular motions, in the direction of the heart, the blood receives more oxygen and the muscles release toxic buildup. Swedish massage utilizes a lighter touch to promote stress reduction and relaxation.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue is designed to release deeper muscle tension by targeting connective tissue and fascia. It is specifically beneficial for chronically tense areas such as neck, shoulders and low back. A variety of techniques are used to slowly sink through the layers of muscle, targeting release of specific tensions, scar tissue and adhesions.
Pregnancy Massage
Understanding the structural and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, prenatal massage caters to a mother’s specific needs in any stage of the gestational process. This massage uses large pillows and padding to create a comfy side line position. Receiving regular massage during pregnancy decreases swelling and relieves tension in the low back, neck and shoulders allowing mothers to relax and rest easier as they prepare to give birth.
Trigger Point Massage
Focusing on places in the body where added pressure is triggered to another area. Trigger Point engages the tendons and ligament attachments to relieve knots in the muscles. Rocking and range of motion is used to unlock certain holding patterns throughout the body.